"Keeping Faith in YouTube"

Pretty much everything about the Tom Milsom/Alex Day abuse allegations that I would want to say has been said by other YouTubers. Here are a few examples:

"What is Consent?" by tyrannosauruslexxx

"The Science and Dangers of YouTube Celebrity" by Anthony D'Angelo

Instead of analyzing the specifics behind the controversy (if you're unaware here's a collection of the posts about it), I thought I'd attempt to inject some positivity. I've heard a lot of discussion about how many are losing their faith in YouTube and are starting to not trust YouTubers. While that response is understandable, I don't think it's the right way to go.

I don't think we should avoid this. I think we should keep talking about it, find out what went wrong, and fight to make sure this disgusting abuse of creator/viewer power never happens again. 

I have faith in this wonderful community and the brilliant minds that make it up, both on the viewer and creator end. We will get passed this. We will support the victims. And we will do what we can to foster an environment where everyone feels safe to be themselves.

